Tuesday, 22 December 2009

Super Happy + NSV!

Well, well well! What a week or two!

Firstly reached the 100lb mark last week :O) then this week I somehow managed a massive 6.5lb loss taking me into the 14's for the first time in decades!!!!! I really am practically speachless at this loss, no idea how. I mean this week I have been out for a meal without pointing, had mincepies and a sneaky matchmaker or two! Anyway I guess all the hard work I put in at the gym is finally paying off. Going for 2lbs this week to get to an 8st loss before the new year, I know it's Crimbo week but......

At my meeting this week my leader made me stand up and talk about my success - OMG how hard is it to stand up in front of people and talk about losing weight!!!???

As for my NSV, well, I was at the gym (of course) and one of the staff came up to me and said 'you look fab, can I just say well done', WOW, I thought that is really nice. Then she said 'I almost didn't recognise you I think we should take a new membership photo, would you like to see the one we took when you joined?' I said erm... ok then. So we went to the desk and she pulled up my details, aaaarrrrggggghhhhhh it was awful, I was huge!!! She asked if I wanted a new photo and I said no, I'll keep the old one and whenever I feel like reaching for the chocs I will come and look at it! Fantastic motivation!!

Anyway, HAPPY CRIMBO everyone, make it a good one! I for one will have a guilt free Christmas day then back on the wagon, the gym is open on Boxing Day!! lol

1 comment:

  1. OMG, what a brilliant weigh loss you've had this week and what a great christmas gift to yourself reaching the 100lb's off land mark and getting into the 14's. What an amazing acheivement. You've done so well. What a fab year you've had. I hope you're feeling really, really proud of yourself.
    Would love to see some updated pictures on your blog. Show yourself off lady, you derve to!
    Have a fab Christmas and a brilliant New Year hunny xxx
