Monday 20 April 2009


I know i shouldn't moan but I'm just back from WI and I only lost a 1lb :O(

i felt I had worked really hard this week but hey ho, maybe its TOTM, i never know when mine will be ever since i stopped taking my tablets, lets hope it is and i get a good loss next week. Still aiming for my 3st by the end of the month so fingers crossed

We talked about motivation at meeting and I really should have measured myself cos hopefully I've lost inches with all the swimming I've been doing.

Gotta keep on track, good luck everyone this week :O)

1 comment:

  1. It's never to late to start measuring. I took pictures and measurements the day after joining ww. I've never done that before. It's good to see the difference. Start measuring, you'll be so glad you did x
