Saturday, 18 April 2009

Swimming (a moan)

I go swimming every morning, sad I know but true. I generally do a brisk 1/2 an hr, swimming about 1.5km.
Anyway, I went this morning as usual and OH MY GOD the pool was pretty much full when I got there at 8.10 (it doesn't open til 8am on a w/end), it was awful :O( i had to keep changing course to avoid slower swimmers, at one point I had to stop as there was just no way through ggrrrrrr. Yesterday was a completely different story, busy from 6.30am til 7, but then everyone got out and I had the pool to myself for another half an hour - bliss. If only every morning was like that!

I'm not entirely sure why I'm posting this, I was just proper annoyed this morning at the gym, do you know what really annoys me, and this is going to sound terrible, what really annoys me about the gym is that I pay for full peak membership but on bank holidays and w/ends the gym doesn't open til 8am (it's usually 6.30am) so i lose 1.5hrs of my peak time, however the off-peak members don't lose 1.5hrs of their membership and I am more and mroe beginning to think this is rubbish! There I said it, I know it sounds really petty but there it is!

1 comment:

  1. Am a fellow WW blogger, just passing by via links from other blogs, and wanted to sympathise with you! I always get so frustrated by the slower swimmers when they purposefully get in your way...I always make sure I let the faster ones pass me wherever possible, but some people just lack politeness it seems!
